What is Diversity and Why is it Important in Public Administration?

          According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, diversity is defined as the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety especially: the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. In my opinion, diversity is an acknowledgment of creation and human life. It is accepting that we are many and because we are many our diversity promotes cultural, economic, and social wellness. Our differences in gender, language, mannerism, culture, social, sexual, education, and income is an opportunity to embrace and celebrate diversity. We are diverse and therefore should naturally practice inclusion by learning to value and appreciate the unique characteristics of the variety. The most exciting thing about diversity is that it brings many levels of expertise, varied human experience, and blended cultures to the table. It provides an open forum that creates an environment that values and respects all people. Being able to acknowledge and respect these differences will make our communities strong and stable. I believe that diversity should be appreciated and celebrated.

Diversity is important in public administration because it allows a platform, which takes a more in-depth look into social equity, the distribution of wealth, fair health, and other public services that are factored into change. Additionally, diversity changes the narrative about democracy, public servant leadership, and good business practices. Diversity in public administration represents our ability to be progressive. As it stands, the United States is going through a profound demographic shift, and within the next ten to twenty years there will be no clear racial or ethnic majority due to the growth in education, wealth, and politics by communities of color. In this time of cultural transition, it behooves public servant leaders to ensure that advocacy for the expansion of opportunities is ready for people of color and the change in demographics.

There are opportunities for African Americans to create positive change on the continent of Africa. Making the transition requires courage, vision, and a clear action plan.

#Bwiseafricam #Repatriation
