
Showing posts from February, 2022

Diversity Impact on Future Public Administration

The economic vitality driven by the increase of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States has created a base for a discussion about diversity. According to,  Rice, M. F. (2015).  Diversity and public administration: Theory, issues, and perspectives ,  states , “Immigration and globalization have added a new dimension of difference in economics, social, and political boundaries. The contributing factors of these change the demographics that will decrease the white population by 2020. The predictors are growth in persons of color, an increase in immigration, and the birth rate. The demographic changes according to Rice will lead to more conflict among the groups.” The benefits of diversity include shared power and mutual advantages. The integration of culture and societies brings with it, its constructs that provide for economic, social, and political change. The influx of immigrants and birth rates is changing the scope of diversity in the United States. I certainly agree that g

Can We Talk About It?: Bomb Threats at Historical Black Colleges

Reported on Tuesday, 01 February 2022 Shame on the perpetrators and shame on America. Bomb threats at many Historical Black Colleges are one of the many reasons why Africans born in America inherit or experience post-traumatic stress is due to racial trauma.  If you live in America and you are not a European, you have experienced many forms of racial trauma.  Racial trauma is defined as race-based traumatic stress, which are the repeated effects of racism on mental and physical health. See what is racial trauma:  The diversity and inclusion agenda is creating fear and displacement in workplace environments and communities. Diversity and inclusion should mean that equity and access are ingrained into the culture. Without equity and access; it is exclusion. The way forward is to have knowledge of self and love of culture. We must be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared, in season and out of season. We must be conscious beings who operate from a place of love and not hate. We mu